Are you looking for affordable and nice apartment to rent in Izola, the seaside of Slovenia?

The Venetian part of the peninsula passed to the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation in 1797 with the Treaty of Campo Formio, until the period of Napoleonic rule from 1805 to 1813 when Istria became part of the Illyrian provinces of the Napoleonic Empire. After this short period, during which Izola's walls were torn down and used to fill in the channel that separated the island from the mainland, the newly established Austrian Empire ruled Istria until November 1918.[3] The treaty of Saint Germain assigned Izola and the rest of the Istria region to Italy.Look no further, we can offer you at least two appartments, that are still available. 

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Najem apartmaja v Izoli

Apartmaje v Izoli oddamo, lahko le za kratek oddih ali pa za kvaliteten tedenski popust. Naši apartmaji v Izoli so v celoti prenovljeni in namenjeni kvalitetnemu preživljanju vaših počitnic. Proste termine lahko takoj preverite s klikom na želeni apartma. Vsak naš apartma ima objavljen in ažuriran koledar z označenimi zasedeni dnevi. Za več informacij smo vedno na voljo na objavljenem mailu ali telefonu. Rezervirajte svoj termin pred začetkom sezone, akontacijo v višini 30% vam v primeru višje sile v celoti povrnemo.